Alexander City Schools receives federal funding allowing supplemental support over and beyond state and local resources. Alexander City Schools receives funding in Title I, Title II, Title III, & Title IV.  The purpose of these supplemental funds is to support at-risk students (Title I), district professional learning (Title II), EL (English language) learners (Title III), and the overall improvement of student academic achievement (Title IV) which includes the district Foster Care Plan.  


A copy of the consolidated plan is available below.  The consolidated plan includes information about Titles I, II, III, IV, and V.  Additionally, a copy of the district Foster and EL plans is available below.


District and school Parent and Family Engagement Plans are provided to the parents of children attending Title I Schools, via the Parent Student Handbook at the beginning of each school year. Parents are encouraged to give input to the Parent Plans when they are revised each year. Parent and Family Engagement Plans are located at each school and in the Title I Director’s Office.  If you would like more information about the Parent and Family Engagement Plans for our district please contact Alice Owens (aowens@acsk12.net). 


For more information about Federal Programs in The State of Alabama visit the Alabama State Department of Education Federal Programs website (https://www.alabamaachieves.org/federal-programs/).