Family and Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.) is committed to strengthening the relationship between our parents, stakeholders, and many others who are integral in helping Alexander City Schools position children to be successful. Our programs and initiatives are based on local and national best-practice models. We believe parents are partners in the educational process and the larger community constitutes the village for which we have many platforms designed for your engagement.

Family and Community Engagement's primary responsibilities are to collect data,  promote volunteer opportunities, and empower families throughout the District.  We also support other activities and opportunities that are centered around helping our students through supporting families.

Data collection - Data collection is required throughout the academic year.  We collect data through numerous surveys, polls, and other activities.

Empowering Families - The heart of family and community engagement is the ongoing empowerment of families to engage in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication, planning, advising, decision-making, and implementing activities to improve academic quality and student performance and build capacity among all stakeholders.

Promote Parental Involvement and Volunteerism - Alexander City Schools has a rich history of parental involvement and volunteerism.  Our goal is to engage families and the community to promote opportunities for parents/ families to be present for their students, volunteers to find the best way to use their talents in the schools, and to envision new ways for our students, families, and community to be connected.


If you are a parent, family member, or community stakeholder, we would love to hear from you!  For more information about Family and Community Engagement in Alexander City Schools contact Chris Adkins at 205-396-6707 or  You can also visit our Family and Community Engagement website at

2023-2024 Parent/ Volunteer Involvement Summary


In 2023-2024, we ran 2 common surveys to the previous year: the Start of School and the Title 1 Parent Survey.

The Start of School Survey had 467 parent participants in 2021-2022; 869 in 2022-2023; and 826 in 2023-2024. However, the percentage of completion was roughly the same between 2022-2023 (31%) and 2023-2024 (30%). 

The  Parent/Title 1 Survey had 1120 parent participants in 2021-2022; 1209 in 2022-2023; and 1047 in 2023-2024. The percentage of completion for 2023-2024 was 38% for the district. This represents a decrease in both quantity and percentage from the previous two years. 

The  School Climate Survey had 1116 parent participants in 2022-2023 and 150 in 2023-2024. This survey only went out to 2 schools due to conflicts.  It is planned to continue and fully implement in 2024-2025. 


The total number of parent survey participants for 2023-2024 was 2376.  


 We had 11247 parent/family participants for APTTs, parent nights, and related events in 2023-2024.

2023-2024 Parent Involvement Tracker

The total combined parent participants were 5468 in 2022-2023 and 13623 in 2023-2024.  The 2023-2024 results saw a gain of 8155 parent participants across all measured activities.  Of note BRHS graduation was counted in 2023-2024 (2464) but not in 2022-2023.

In 2023-2024 we added a parent newsletter/ SMORE called Wildcats Be There. The newsletter was sent to parents, staff, and community members. The newsletter was sent 8 times during the school year. Altogether it was read by 20498 viewers (non-unique).

The total number of parent involvement viewers and visitors for 2023-2024 was 34121.


Data was updated on June 3, 2024.